A psychoactive movie by Elena Montesinos & JD Schneider, 2022
NEVER GATE – Elena Montesinos & JD Schneider
World premiere for Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival (LUFF) – 19th of October, 2022
In the presence of Elena Montesinos & JD Schneider, … and Khan Of Finland.
It looks like the end of the world in the middle of a vast dump that stretches as far as the eye can see. A mad preacher (Silverio) bedecked in a black disco suit fulminates and screams at some kind of human parasites. An eccentric bunch of freaks prepares a telepathic meeting. The Queen of the beehive (Lydia Lunch) bellows out her anger at the world while « earworms » fallen from space broadcast subversive messages (created by Otto Von Schirach).
Never Gate is a strange and inspired « crazy trip », shot mainly in « broken English » (and a few european languages) and infused with spirals of lysergic fantasy. It tells the story of the extraordinary and energetic fauna that inhabits a residence which is bizarrely reminiscent of a psychiatric hospital and begs the question « is this some kind of madhouse? »
Meet Khan of Finland as « The Acid King », The Monsters and their Singing Pizza Delivery, Jean-Luc Verna and Jean-Louis Costes as wrathful deities, Gianni Motti leading a worldwide telepathic meeting, The Young Gods in their laboratory, Vidya Gastaldon as a dematerialized yoga teacher, Nathanael Esh wrapping everything he finds, Noise Populi cutting vinyls, Poulpo (aka LPLPO) in microscopic size, The Wild Panthers being watchful, Abraham Poincheval hidden inside a synthetic stone and DJ Marcelle trying to get the power back after a few black outs. There will be a certain number of contemporary art pieces to be found in the middle of this audiovisual multi-layered fantasy, in which some of the most powerful energies from the international underground will pop up.
The artists and artworks originally programmed to the artistic event GET A NERVE have now become the movie central characters.